In our work we have pride, quality is what we provide.
- Well Flow Monitoring Sensors Readings.
- Pressure & Level Monitoring Solution.
- Vibration Sensors, Valve Cap Temperature Monitoring.
- Wireless monitoring Systems.
Welloilmaf Energy Services, Over the years has added to her product and services; the well productivity analysis with the Echometer Digital Well Analyzer (Echometer) This Well Analyzer is an integrated artificial lift data acquisition and diagnostic system which allows the operator to maximize oil and gas production and minimize operating expense. Well productivity, reservoir pressure, overall efficiency, equipment loading and well performance are derived from the combination of measurements of surface pressure, acoustic liquid level, dynamometer, power and pressure transient response.
This portable system is based on a precision analog to digital converter controlled by a notebook computer with windows based application. The Well Analyzer acquires, stores, processes, displays and manages the data at the well site to give an immediate analysis of the well’s operating condition.
An associated equipment called Compact Gas Gun, is also one of the equipment that fed the Echometer well analyzer, This gas gun generate a single pressure pulses which travels down the casing annulus gas and is reflected by collars and the liquid level. The reflected pressure waves deflect the microphone and generate an electrical signal. The electrical signal, is fed to the computerized well analyzer which automatically processes the signal or to an amplifies, filters and records the signals on a strip chart.
The principal objective of the well analyzer is to provide all the necessary data to analyze the performance of an oil or gas well.
(+234) 803 255 3581
Typical Questions Answered
- What is the depth to the liquid level?
- What is the depth to the liquid level?
- At what depth is the liquid column?
- What is the casing –head pressure?
- What is the percent liquid in the annular fluid column?
- What is the pressure at the perforations?
- What is the percent of the maximum oil rate that is currently being produced?
- What is the maximum rate that could be produced from the well?
- Are there any restrictions or anomalies in the annulus above the liquid level?
Welloilmaf; Echometer Well Analyzer Software, Displaying Well Data in a Producing Well

Total Well Management Software (TWM)
The well analyzer is controlled by a user-friendly software package. The software controls the electronics, acquires data, calculates bottomhole pressures, and constructs pressure plots & dynamometer cards. This software may also be installed on a desktop computer to allow the field data to be reviewed and analyzed in an office environment. The results are printed in an excellent custom report format.
Welloilmaf Wireless Monitoring System
- WASP Vibration and Temperature Sensor
- WASP Pressure and Temperature Sensor
- WASP Level Sensor
- WASP Vibration and Temperature Sensor

Welloilmaf WASP Wireless sensor can be used for short term or long permanent long term condition monitoring application. This WASP Sensor records and transmits back to the NEST receiver.
Vibration FFT, together with triaxial vibration and temperature overalls are periodically captured (envelope and time waveform can be acquired if requested) depending on the configured setup and the environment, battery lifetime of several years can be achieved. This WASP sensor are time synced so that on a periodic basis date is captured across the WASP network at the same time In additional, the WASP sensor can be configured to real time monitor for shocks that exceed configured levels.
Our magnet based hazardous class 1 div 2 certified sensor can be deployed in minutes, reducing costly installations by eliminating hard wiring.
Product Features
- Continuous impact monitoring
- Identify vibration issues with process change at high speed
- 300m (1000ft) wireless transmission range
- Measure acceleration, velocity and temperature
- Selectable update interval 2s to 10min
- Measure all axis
- Easy installation and may not require equipment shutdown
- Up to 99 WASP sensor per NEST
- Magnetically coupled, >50lbs pull force
- System wide synchronized sampling
- Raw wave form data measurements
- Future firm wave feature spectrum
Welloilmaf Wireless Vibration Sensors Installed on Client Installation

Why Choose Our Service?
The management of Welloimaf Energy Services Ltd. Recognizes that we have an obligation to protect the human, physical and financial resources of the company. We recognize our responsibility to manage our company in such a way that these resources are conserved and utilized effectively. Accordingly, our policy is to:
- Make our work places free from recognized hazards, which are likely to cause death, injury, illness, and damage to property.
- Recognize the priority of safety, health, and environmental factors where there is competition with economic consideration.